Client Feedback (individual coaching)

Coaching as part of a global leadership development programme (3 sessions):

“Highest recommendation for Charlotte. The coaching was behind the activities and program being taken to a high level and is a large part of what makes this program so enjoyable. Without her experience, challenge and approach, the results would not have been nearly as positive.” Director of Product Management, USA

“Like a mental oasis, a safe haven in a storm. Charlotte is convivial yet professional, very easy to talk to, listens then asks the pointed questions.” VP of Engineering, Canada

“Charlotte is awesome. It's a great experience to work with someone who tells it exactly as it is, who coaches you to find your own answers. She has a direct style, very honest and open, friendly and serious. I felt very confident working with her from the beginning.” Head of Supply Chain, France

“Charlotte is a very collaborative and insightful, but was able to support me by keeping my feet to the fire in terms of SMART goals for personal progress. She brought a wide diversity of viewpoints and knowledge to every conversation and it was a great pleasure working with her.” Director of Business Development, USA

"Coaching has been very positive for me in many ways both personally and professionally. Whilst transitioning into the HRD role there were times I doubted myself and lacked confidence in my ability in the role. I now feel like I have changed as a person. I have become calmer, I look for solutions and encourage others to do so and my confidence has improved. I am managing to balance work - I always feared letting people down in the work environment and personal life, but now accept I can’t please everyone. Charlotte is a great listener, understanding and knowledgeable, with a good awareness of Business and HR. She understood my role, the stakeholders and the business, as well as its culture, which enabled us to work through challenges. I could open up to her about personal and workplace issues and she has helped me to think outside the box. I now feel I can succeed in my role." HR Director, UK (17 sessions)

"I came to coaching initially because of the sudden death of a colleague and to deal with grief at work. I always looked forward to my sessions with Charlotte even when I wasn’t looking forward to much else. I benefited from using coaching as a chance to reflect and let go – knowing it was OK not to have all the answers. Charlotte is an amazing listener, very attentive and responsive to what I said and didn’t say and I enjoyed having ‘time out’ from my pressures to focus on myself. I certainly feel much stronger now (and more equipped) to deal with other challenges life throws at me. It has definitely been a journey.” Head of SME Operations, UK (ten sessions)

"This was my first coaching experience and I felt comfortable talking openly about everything with Charlotte, sharing my thoughts and points of view. I have become more open to looking at things from different perspectives. I am usually so confident that I never spend time trying to come up with different angles, but I now realize there are different views and this allows for new ideas on how to approach the same problem. I’ve improved my gathering of feedback from others (up/down), as well as learning better coaching techniques to help my team grow. Charlotte was flexible and adjusted to my needs and style and she created a safe environment so I always felt very comfortable while talking and sharing with her." Finance Director, USA (six sessions)

“Thank you so much – you really have been a massive help this year. You helped me realise things about myself that I didn’t see before, through reflective listening, practical exercises, as well as challenging my thoughts without undermining them. You also have a warmth that encouraged me to feel heard, understood and motivated to take action, gradually moving me into a better position than I was in before. I found coaching invaluable, near essential. So much has changed which makes me feel better. I try not to think about where I would be right now without your support.” Senior Internal Auditor, UK (eight sessions)

“Working with Charlotte was collaborative and she adapted to my needs – she knew exactly what would help and what would resonate with me. Charlotte is a great listener, knowledgeable and insightful and I looked forward to each session – every one helped me improve. A few weeks have gone by since our sessions and the strategies were so effective that I still remember and use them daily… very powerful! Charlotte is the most creative psychologist and coach I have ever worked with and I think she is unique and exceptional.” AD, Venezuela (eight sessions) 

“I had been picking my way through a transitional phase at work and home and needed support. Charlotte helped me create more stability in both areas, gave me confidence to make bold decisions and a greater understanding of the psychology that underpins my decision-making. She is friendly, supportive and keeps difficult conversations positive and progressive – I came away from each session with new things to think about. Her coaching has helped me crystallise a lot of different thoughts and experiences and has given me the reassurance I could make a success of challenging periods.” Director of Digital Content, UK (four sessions)

“I was at a cross roads of what to do next in my career and felt stuck - I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I could tell from the first time we spoke you were thoughtful, approachable and honest - I felt confident you had the right experience for someone like me. We only had two session but I found them really helpful. You have a wealth of experience to back up your process and asked the right questions, helped me talk through and understand my values and ambitions, as well as providing clarity on how to navigate this next chapter. I would like to come back for another injection of ‘charlotteness’ if needed. Thank you.” VH, UK (two sessions)

“I was looking for coaching to help with a lack of direction in my professional life. I found working with Charlotte to be a really positive experience, fun and enjoyable. She helped me verbalise and understand what I was experiencing and used creative ways to explore the direction I wanted to take. She listened without judgement and identified connections which helped me clarify and find peace with certain learned behaviours and beliefs. She is generously knowledgeable and has a vast breadth of interests. Working with her has created a really positive momentum for me in my career change.”  AA, Spain (five sessions)

“Working with Charlotte was enlightening – she helped me gain clarity on my thoughts and cut through the noise in my thinking, helping me identify goals and achieve a sense of understanding of what is important to me. She is an attentive listener and has an ease of manner that meant I felt very relaxed during the sessions. She has psychological understanding and awareness, as well using tools to help ideas sink in at a deeper level.  Every session was constructive even when I was feeling pessimistic or trapped by my lack of progression. I now have a far calmer approach to change. NH, UK (five sessions)

“I feel super lucky to have found Charlotte to help me through a career funk. She follows an approach that gets to the core of what’s going on underneath, where it matters, and is helping me become more emotionally articulate and develop insights about my behaviour, in a way that no-one else has. She empathises with my struggles and never makes me feel bad if things don’t go to plan; she knows how to “meet me where I am” which is so reassuring. She also has a great sense of humour which I really value. Her knowledge, experience and professionalism really shine through as she flexes and deftly manoeuvres through difficult issues. I would definitely recommend Charlotte as someone to work with for anyone who is at a crossroads or has lost their mojo.” MY, UK (four sessions)

“You are a great listener and offer balanced input and feedback. You are both direct and kind, confident and humble, analytical and creative. Those attributes make your ideas and suggestions insightful and valuable. I like your down to earth approach to any issues, challenges and questions. Your different perspectives are brilliant, provide real food for thought and brought about many ‘light bulbs’ moments!  I also felt I was talking to a friend I have known for years – someone who had my best interest at heart and who genuinely wanted to help.” MH, UK (six sessions)

“Coaching has been very positive for me. You helped move forward my thinking about my career and also helped me to learn new things about myself. You are very good at observing and reflecting on what you have heard. You’re not afraid to challenge and are enquiring, thoughtful, thought provoking and empathic. I felt very comfortable opening up to you.” AM, UK (five sessions)

“I wanted coaching to support self-reflection, a career change and to keep healthy after a stressful year. Charlotte balances a rich conversational style, whilst picking out specific things to address – some aren’t initially apparent to me so I’m often (pleasantly) surprised by her suggestions and ideas. She’s a good sounding board, offering insight into my thinking and behaviour patterns, ways to reconcile contradictory interests and has re-introduced a light heartedness to my thinking. Charlotte is highly engaging and personable and I’m enjoying the work we are doing together.” DHW, Scotland (20 sessions)

All cartoons and illustrations by Simon Pearsall

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