Participant feedback from previous Navigating Change Group Coaching programmes

“Charlotte, Mark and Emma created a really empowering and inclusive space. Not only do you get a clear explanation of the theories of change, it’s coupled with practical tools to help you move forward. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and sharing the journey with the other wonderful participants.”

“An engaging and comprehensive approach to truly achieving change. The resources, the online sessions and the individual coaching sessions not only helped me achieve change during the programme, but also provided me with skills that I can use with future goals.”

“The programme gave me a structured framework… that helped organise my thoughts, understand my dependencies and challenges, as well as a supportive group of people who were going through similar experiences. The sessions helped me to deep dive into my emotions and thoughts, set realistic expectations and equip me with tools to set me up for success and follow through on the changes I wanted to achieve.”

“This came at a perfect time for me as I navigated many changes in my life… It helped me relax into the changes around me with a clearer vision of what was most important to, providing a good barometer to keep myself in check and stay focused on what matters most. Thank you!”

“I loved how we got split into groups of two for the coaching and hearing feedback from different types of people with different journeys was invaluable and encouraging. That also brought about subtle shifts in me as I looked at taking small steps towards my goals. I recall the same person I paired with at the start of the course remarking during the final workshop that they had noticed shifts which is encouraging. Thanks so much for such a useful course!”

“This course has been great for me… giving me the realisation that I already know and have many of the skills that I need to move on. The book is great and I will use it as a reference point moving forward.”

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