Navigating Change FAQs

What are the times/dates of the sessions?

We will be running the summer Navigating Change programme on Mondays 12-2.15pm. The workshops will take place on Monday 3rd, 10th, 17th 24th June and Monday 8th July.

I can't make every session - will the programme be recorded?

We don’t record the programmes because much of the content is paired sessions in break-out rooms. However, you will receive slides and materials from every session, including coursework and actions to take in between workshops. We will happily answer any questions you have about the content and you can also use your coaching sessions to get up to speed on any workshops you miss.

What preparation will I need to do?

We will ask you to think of a change project you'd like to undertake or something you have already started, but feel you can't make progress on. We will also ask you to read two short chapters of the book before we begin the programme.

I live outside the UK can I join the programme?

Yes of course, we’d be delighted to work with you. We have already worked with many delegates from around the world. The only difference for non UK participants is that you will need to buy your copy of the book Swim Jump Fly: A Guide to Changing your Life from your local Amazon site. This will be an eBook or a paperback version. Buying the book is essential to the programme since the content we cover comes from the book, including exercises, reading and the 5-step change process which is at the heart of the Navigating Change programme.

Why will there be a WhatsApp group?

One of the benefits of group coaching is that other participants can provide help, support and encouragement. We will invite participants to share their successes and challenges with each other in the group, but you can opt out of joining the WhatsApp group if you prefer.

You said this was a six week course but there seem to be only five sessions?

There are five sessions, but there is a two week gap between workshops 4 and 5 so you can put in practice what you have learned. You will then come back for a final review in workshop 5.

I have already got Charlotte's book so can I have a discount?

Unfortunately not if you’re in the UK, as there is a set price for the programme. Why not give your additional book to a friend or family member who might find it useful? If you’re outside the UK and you already have a book then there will be no need for you to buy an additional copy.

If I change my mind, can I have a refund?

Yes of course - you will be able to get a full refund up until midnight on Monday 27th May. Alternatively, if you want to join but can no longer make the dates you can transfer your place to a future programme. We run them regularly throughout the year.

The programme has booked out already, is there a waitlist?

Yes! Please email Charlotte at and she will send you an invitation, if a place becomes available.

I have another question which you haven't covered - can I get in touch?

Of course - please contact Charlotte on and she will answer your question.

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